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New Year, Same Goals

As I sat and planned out my health and fitness goals, I realized....mine are probably not the same as most for January 2024.

A large number of people have decided that THIS is the year they are going to drop weight and get in shape, whatever THAT means.

For me, January is NOT the month to lose weight. I have put weight on over the last couple months and I am not ready to shed it. WAIT....WHAT?!!

Yep, for me...November, December and January are the perfect months to put body fat on and not feel guilty about it. You see, living where it is chilly during these months and being blessed with way too much food over the last couple of months, it is the perfect season to put some weight on and build a bit of muscle...and I completely take advantage of it!

Now, am I going to be eating like a jerk in January...NO! I will keep my calories a little over the 2000 mark but they will be healthier calories. I will drink a lot of water and I will go to the gym with a purpose.

You see, I have been 20 and 30, I have been skinny, I have worried WAY to many hours about how lean I should be. I am not 20 or 30...I am 46 and my goals in my 40's have been to keep my bones, muscles and mind healthy. My goals have been to enjoy life and experiences and feel good while doing so. So, for GOALS remain the SAME. Happy New Year!

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